Friday, July 24, 2009

Nom Nom

I love Blackberry Pancakes

The End.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Dolphin Boat

Have you ever wanted to BE a dolphin? Not swim with them (which, btw, is a lifelong dream of mine), but BE one. Well now you can be! With the Innespace dolphin! [/infomercial mode]

I have no idea how I came across this- but I assume it was during my moseying through Twitter/Facebook/random social networking sites. I found a contraption that basically puts you in the position of a surfacing dolphin. It looks kind of awesome, but I wonder about visibility? I can't stand water in my face because of the need to see perfectly, so how would this differ? I think I'd love to go in one for fun though, but not to own.

I honestly thought it was a joke at first, but I'm 90% sure it's not.

How fun!

I watched this on mute, so I don't know how the sound is: Bad commercial, but useful footage


Saturday, July 11, 2009

Etsy and Sassy Apron


Etsy is an adorable website where crafters can go to sell their pieces. My mom had one called hedgehoggery but it wasn't very successful so she gave up. What I linked you to is the website I made for a class (could be better, but hey it was for a class!) with the gallery containing many of the ones she's already created. Adorable. Either way, I'm a great fan of Sassy Apron. She has the most adorable aprons! I love it! I got so excited when I first found them on We are not Martha's blog, but I had to wait a month for the lady to come back from vacation! It was worth it though! I'm now awaiting my first apron and I'm so excited. I do need one after all! I'm a mess and soon to be lady of the house. What a fabulous way to start off that roll.

Love it!

Side Note: I can't wait to see Harry Potter 6!
