Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Boring E-mail :-

Hey there everyone!

I hope you're all having a great week. I know some people are off for the holidays but others aren't so I hope it's good no matter what. It looks like this e-mail may take me a while to write. There's needy kitten distracting me! And there she goes again, attacking my foot. On that note, Dixie is doing well. She's getting bigger, bolder, and more troublesome but she's also very adorable so it's ok. I had to cut off any ribbons that were sent to me because it caused risk to the wrapping of the present. She runs all over them while she attacks the tree (if you notice in future Christmas pictures, there are no ornaments on the bottom third) so the presents already have to tough it out without being the main object of attack. They're mainly still wrapped. To my Grandparents, my parents, John's parents, and Jan and Bruce I wanted to let you know that I've received cards and/or packages from you safe and sound so no need to worry, if you were. Thank you :-).

John and I are doing fine. He was gone from the 8th-18th but is home on "stand down" right now. He doesn't have work but he's been going in every day to try to get qualified. He's mainly been going when I have work so it's not really a problem. My hours are down to 15, which isn't too bad. I'd prefer more for money but it is part-time so I can't expect a lot. I'm still working in the fittings rooms and yesterday one of the Bra Specialists (full-time position) told me she was going to refer me to our superiors for one of the open Bra Specialist positions! I feel pretty honored. I like knowing that I'm appreciated and recognized for my hard work, but then, who doesn't? I don't expect anything to happen quickly so there may be no word on this for a while, especially since it's Christmas. I have a friend who was told they were actually giving her the position (a few weeks ago) by Toni, the head of our department, but Toni is still trying to get word and agreement from the Corporation so nothing has come of it so far. If that happens I'll have five, nine hour shifts per week with an hour break. Fun fun. John is home, as I mentioned, which is nice. Standdown is over on the fourth and soon after John's off again for another 2 weeks-ish. It seems like it's 2 weeks home, and 2 weeks underway. It's a pain, haha. I think he leaves the day my parents come in and comes back soon after they leave so they won't be able to see him, but it helps me! Haha, I won't be nearly as lonely, so that's nice.

On Sunday John and I are starting Scuba lessons! We have new masks (thanks to the Russells!) and are studying up for it. I'm pretty excited. We have classes Sun-Wed night and then open dive classes on the following weekend. It should be exciting. I hope it's not too scary. Hooray.

I'm not sure what else to report on. With me working and John not really being home anyway we haven't explored at all since the Russells' visit. I've also been sick since then. I got sick soon before thanksgiving and it's been off and on until just now. The most recent week has been all cough so it was bearable. I think sinus headaches are the worst part of a cold, so once those were over it's been fine. And on a health note, Momma will be glad to hear that I have been referred to an someone about TMJ and am supposed to expect a call within a week to set up a consult.

My next e-mail should be more exciting. I'll be sure to talk about the Scuba experience and the oh so exciting Holidays. I'm currently annoyed by then. Traffic to and from work is HORRENDOUS. I do work at a mall after all but, it's terrible. It took me 40 min just to get out of the mall and onto the highway the other day! That, so far, has been the only day it took me an hour and a half to get home from work, which is technically only 10 miles away.

Happy Holidays!

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