Saturday, April 2, 2011

And it begins

My life is too crazy. The past few weeks/months I've been gearing up for deployment on top of the internship so I've had very little time. Moving, shopping, preparing, organizing, shopping, printing, cleaning, cleaning, cleaning, and millions of other little things have been added on top of the 5-3 or 7-6:30 days. Physical Therapy makes me days a lot longer as well.

Today was the day. John's officially deployed. He packed up during the week and all my wifely duties were finished and handed it. I made a halfway box for the date that marks halfway done with the deployment. The boat and the wives each have parties to celebrate. Wives make boxes for the men to open during their party. So there was that. I also had various other things I had to create, print, buy, and hand in so there are various little reminders or surprises throughout the underway. The FRG (family readiness group/ aka spouses and immediate family) runs most of that and decides what to do.

Today at 730 I dropped John off at the boat and went shopping for a few things he forgot to get such as shaving cream and nail clippers. By 9 I was getting dressed and pretty for the sobering Boy Voyage BBQ. The Squadron (not sure how to describe that other than boats are put into squadrons which is then communication from the boat and other various things). The Squadron puts on BBQs for boats deploying. We were all there at 10 to sit on chairs and mope together. A little bit later there were hot dogs and burgers which were alright, frozen and in bulk so pretty much what you could expect.

Around 11:45 John was told he had to have things signed and ready within an hour so he had to get going. It seemed a lot of people got that message because at noon there were lots of guys heading onto the boat and finishing up their goodbyes. It was no good. Tralene (a fellow lady of the boat) was left alone just after me and she and I get along pretty well so we went out to get ice cream before seeing the boat off. Fun fun. At two we went to the waterway that boats/ships/other thingers that use the water to move places use to get to the harbor. Aka all the wives go there to see the boat come in or leave. I've never gone to see them off before but since this one was the big deal, I planned to go. Within 20 min they were gone.

I prefer it when the boat comes in, it's far more happy.

So yeah. John's gone and this time it's for apx 6 months.

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