Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Hello all!

So I'm fully aware I'm terrible at keeping up with blogs. I've always known this and now that a great many of you are on Facebook it seemed rather repetitive to keep this up, especially when I'm bad at doing it to begin with. Random Facebook statuses require much less concentration than writing a whole entry.

Anyways, I'm going back to this for the next month or so. I recently learned about Advocare. A fellow boat wife did it and lost a good chunk of weight and knows many significant health/fitness people that have done the same so I started asking questions and went to a big meeting on it. It's a company GNC keeps trying to buy but they're been turned down twice. One of the ladies at the meeting was actually told by her doctor to try it and it's been through many medical tests to make sure it's healthy. It's mainly a large amount of vitamins to help with health, energy, and appetite. The woman I talked to reassured me that the energy really does help and you won't feel weak and depressed on it which diets tend to do and I get so light headed that I binge on whatever I can find. It does require some willpower regarding what you choose to eat but it's supposed to help with snacking and whatnot. I should be eating healthy anyway so no biggie. I also intend to do this with John. He doesn't know it yet but I'm 95% sure he'll want to do it with me so I won't be starting until we're able to do it together.

What I'm doing is the 24-day challenge.
It starts with a 10-day cleanse which does not involve strong week-long laxatives which they assured me many many times, haha. After that is a 14 day Max plan using meal replacement shakes (yum!) for breakfast, which I actually like doing anyway. Eggs are a big option for snacks which is great for me, and there's no mention of grapefruits! I swear every diet includes nasty nasty grapefruits. Let's see.... First off, the descriptions will be all in my own words and from my understanding, not the medical or official terminology/direction haha.

Oh you know what, I just remembered. This is labeled as an Informed Choice http://informed-choice.org/ which ensures that there are no banned substances in it so if you succumb to random drug tests there's nothing to worry about.

10 Day Cleanse Products:
 Herbal Cleanse pills which help with cleansing and increases nutrient absorption, Spark which is a sugar free energy drink that I've tried and it pretty tasty. Many people swear by Spark alone, the lady who talked to the group about it used Spark for 6 years before discovering the rest of the goodies. The last product for this section is OmegaPlex which has essential fatty acids for overall wellness.

I won't go over the order and such of how to use all these unless you're interested in trying it yourself.
I also bought an add-on called Catalyst which people supposedly refer to as "liposuction in a bottle" I'm going to start this one right away. It's supposed to help your body digest fat when it's hungry instead of the fat and muscles so I get to keep the muscle I'm building at the gym and actually get rid of the fat instead of risk my body going "Oh hey these muscles have more nutrients so I'm gonna eat that and lease those chubby spots on her arms" So yes. That you take in the morning and at night, I think. I need to clarify that, I know for certain it helps at night when you're not eating.

14 Day MAX Pack Products:
MNS which has probiotics, appetite control, energy, core nutrition, omega 3's and more, Max E is what I chose, it's leveled 10 for Energy (which I need given that I'm exhausted by 5) 8 for Appetite control and 6 for Wellness. There are three options, I chose this one. There is one that switches Appetite and Energy and a third that has 6 for A and E and 10 for Wellness. You also take Spark during this section and there are Meal Replacement Shakes, Chocolate Vanilla or Berry. I got Chocolate, which I'm sure surprises nobody.

Now this is not ALL you do. You also have meals so there's no starvation, but logically you have to eat healthy. It's more like a low-carb diet which I've been working on doing anyway but my body needs a kickstart. You have three meals, one replaced by a tasty shake, and two snacks. I'll take the Catalyst throughout the whole thing and there are other optional add-ons that I didn't do such as Thermo plus for metabolism and Omegaplex for more overall wellness.

Honestly writing this down made it all make a little more sense in my head. It looks like a ton of stuff, but it's not so bad.

I wish I could reiterate everything I was told regarding Doctor's and all the things that make it sound healthy and non gimicky. I already bought it so nobody is allowed to put it down until after my 24 days. If it works, WOO HOO if it doesn't, then we can all be pissy together. Until then, support support support!

I asked my sponser to help me remember and she said this "Studies? All these products are created by a medical and scientific advisory board including top drs in the country..one was just put into Yale's medical hall of fame. They create these. The olympic wrestling coach is the one that came to advocare to find something to help his guys shed weight without muscle..that is how catalyst came about. Some of the top sports trainers including the air force trainer are on the sports nutrition board for the company. GNC has tried to buy them 2 times to put these products are their shelves but it is a no go...advocare won't sell."

Also I got a discount by signing up to sell it, only I'm not required to sell it, It's more like I signed up for Costco and get a discount because of that lol. SO if you decide to buy it,  you can buy it from my site:


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