Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Well it's day one of Advocare products but not day one of the challenge. I'm excited but I know it'll be much better and more persuasive (to John) if John and I start and do it together.

However.... I bought an extra bottle of the Catalyst and since I signed up for my little discount membership deal they'll be sending me extra Spark (the energy drink) in many flavors to try. Or so I'm told! SO I'm starting with those until we get the whole thing underway.

Therefore this morning has consisted of Mandarin Orange Spark, a serving of the Catalyst, and three hard boiled egg whites. Hardboiled eggs are the suggestion for many of the snacks and such in the diet which is awesome, it's my own choice to only eat the whites. This goes back my whole life, hardboiled egg yolk is just gross when not mixed with mayo, mustard, and other ingredients. But yay less Cholesterol!

So it's 745, I'm exhausted and I'm off to the gym soon.
I'll have to come back and mention how well my energy is holding up since that's what the Spark mainly does. I think the Catalyst will show any progress later since it's not a wellness/feel good one, it's a fat burner.

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