Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hawaiian Humane Society

Bear with me, I'm currently watching Legend of the Seeker so my distraction might make me forget what I was typing.

I was about to title this Humane Society, but this specific one is not connected to the Humane Society of the United States. I started volunteering the HHS in April. It gives me something to do with my time since I can't find a job. At least it's useful. I mainly work with the cats but recently started helping with the small animals as well. A few weeks ago I was on my way to the Cat House and noticed that all the bunnies' and guinea pigs' cages were gross. Poor things. I decided to spend the day cleaning them so they didn't have to live in filth. It was fun to play with each bunny though. They're so cute and soft!

I've been looking at their website and watching the job postings. I found one that I could actually do and went for it. It was in admissions so I volunteered there for two days to see what they did. It was a good experience. I learned more about the shelter, including where things are and how things work. I didn't realize how much I knew until someone asked me about something the other day and I knew the answer. It was exciting, haha.

I had an interview on July 1st. It was a preliminary interview that led to a second interview in front of a panel of people. This one was specifically about the position. It went well. I answered everything honestly. It's a tough job though so I ended up not getting it. Besides dealing with animals, a large workload, and sad people, you also have to deal with mean people who are upset about an animal being gone or taken away from them. There are various other situations that can involve mean people. I assume I didn't get the position because of that. While I would do well in the compassionate part, I'm not very tough.

Oh well. At least I had the shot and got the experience out of it. I asked if they would keep me in mind in case another position opened up. We shall see how that goes.

While I was volunteering yesterday I talked with the Volunteer Coordinator. She asked if I would be interested in becoming a mentor. This is basically an elevated volunteer position, so no money is involved. I can't seem to find anything that actually pays me. Either way, it seems like a good thing. I'll check out a meeting about what they do, etc. It'll be good on a resume, if anything. It also might help me move up to get a paid position there eventually. I would be helping new volunteers learn what they need to do and be there if they have questions. It's a small leadership role. It could be fun. I like working there afterall.

Well, that's what's been going on. I have had a few job interviews but that's the only time it got somewhere or was a hopeful job. One of them expected ridiculous things. It was a front desk job and basically told me that while I'll probably only be schedule 8 hrs a week they don't want me to have another job because they want me to be available to come in whenever they ask. So 8 hrs a week, on call the entire week AND they expect me to not have another job. That's just ridiculous. If they don't call me in and I only work the 8 hours a week, there's no way I'd make a useful amount of money. I just think their expectations are stupid.

And that's that.
Not much else has gone on. Just gym, volunteering, errands, and cleaning. Oh fun fun.

1 comment:

  1. Meredith- that is so neat that you volunteer at the HS. I've always thought about doing it, but I don't think my heart could take it. Good for you!
