Tuesday, September 8, 2009

One Week

Well, hello there.

So here I am with one week until departure. I'm getting incredibly stressed and nervous, as well as depressed. I've been packing for about a week now and struggling with how to get everything into two suitcases while keeping them under 50 lbs. I can fit more things in, but I refuse to pay the extra bill. I find it appalling that it's an extra $50 for one more pound or, if I just add another suitcase, it's $100. $15 for the first, $20 for the second (If I pay for it online- if not they're both another $5) and then $100 for the third. That's absolutely ridiculous. Therefore, out of spite, I'm mailing the rest. Even if it ends up being the same price, it's by principle. These prices are annoying. They're bearable when you have one suitcase for a trip, but ridiculous if one needs to move one's entire wardrobe. But anyway, I now have two suitcases partially packed. One is packed and done and not being touched. The other has work clothes so I'm living out of it as well as packing it. Logical, I know. I needed to know what would fit and what wouldn't, so that I could decide which things to mail.

Tomorrow is my last day of work. It's getting so close! I can't believe it's less than a week away! Thursday I have off so I'll do laundry, pack for HI and NYC, and relax. Friday is NYC to see A Steady Rain. Saturday we're going to the Statue of Liberty and heading home. Sunday I finish packing completely and prepare everything for go-time. Monday I have a Dr's appt and then Mom and I are off to Lansdale to stay with the grandparents.

I've been depressed mainly cause of the life change. I realize it's normal, expected, and just how life goes but that doesn't make it any less depressing. I've been saying goodbye to people since Friday afterall! That's no fun! Work friends, home friends, Jill, more work friends... and it's going to continue. It was good to have a short vaca to see some family before I left. It's a shame I couldn't see EVERYONE. Oh well. I'm moving to Hawaii- who wouldn't want to visit??? haha! Expect fun hawaiian gifts! If I can find and afford fabulous ones, that is.

My plane takes off at 7:10 am. Land in Phoenix, AR at 9:12 am (12:12pm EST)
Take off at 10:59am (1:59pm) and land 2:36pm (8:36pm EST)

Cheers for now

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