Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Patience! haha

So I've been getting complaints about not writing! Plural, so no one take it upon themselves to think "I was only sayin..." haha. But seriously, it's because we technically have no internet. It's fussy so I wasn't sure if I could try and I definitely won't be able to do pictures. HOWEVER. Time Warner apparently called up John and said we should be getting it THIS SATURDAY as opposed to the 17th, so rest assured- more news then.

Until then, I'm bored out of my mind in Hawaii while John has started work. I have another job prospect but I'm not sure how it'll work out so that's the only info you're getting. I have to catch you up on the lovely Hail/Farewell BBQ we went to and the lovely ladies I met and am going to lunch with tomorrow- but I'll do that come internet time as well. I suppose posting now vs then isn't a big difference, but if I lose this text it can be easily written again as opposed to a much longer entry.

I need to get cash so I can jump on the busline and cure my boredom. And a job... that would help.

We're nearly all moved in but still have small annoying piles of junk lying around. Some of which is stuff to be hung and books to be shelved on, currently, non existant shelves.

Pictures will come by next week.

In the meantime, send us cookies at
98-711 Iho Pl. #504
Aiea, HI 96701


P.S. Although you don't know this, my point was just proven. The internet I'm using just crashed for the 800th time. And 801st. Highly annoying. I can really only do simple things. I've gotten onto facebook ok, Gmail is iffy and whiny but it works something. This however, is being a pain.