Monday, March 1, 2010

Tsunami and Everyday life

Hey there!

For future reference about tsunami's you can go to this website. It wasn't working DURING the tsunami warnings, but now if you search my address you'll see I'm in a find area. Not only am I 300 ft above sea level and not too close the the water, but the water I am close to is the harbor which is also not a risky spot. So no worries. The only issues I may deal if, if we were to actually get one, is electricity and water shortages. At some point I'll buy a pack of bottled water, just in case. Other that that we're alright. We have batteries and the non-battery using flashlights that Tom and Cathy gave John for Christmas. Thanks!

Today was my first day as a house"wife". I have more plans on what to do with my time during this section of my life. I'm still applying to jobs whenever I see fit, so hopefully one bite. Until then I have more friends and a car here. I'm participating in a few of the boat things now. There's a charity auction being put on by the Submarine's Officer Wives Club for the Dolphin Scholarship (a scholarship for children of Submariners). I offered to donate some baked goods for their baked good section. John bought tickets on the board so it looks that that's where we'll be on the 6th of March. Anyone can go and donate, but only wives are in the actual club. I'll decide whether I want to actually join or not later on.

I'm also starting to go to FRG meetings. Any member of the family or girlfriend can go, if they want. This is the Family Readiness Group for the Cheyenne, so only people affiliated with our boat go to this one. We just got an Ombudsman so I think she and the Captain will decide if they want to change the rules about who can attend. The CO(captain) is in charge of our Command (the boat) so whatever he says about things like this, is word. It's nice to go though. I've met a few of the wives and we chat a little now. I feel like I fit into this life a little bit better than when I started, which is to be expected of course. There's some family fun day thing on the 5th at noon. That should be interesting. I get to bake for that as well! So I have lots of baking to do this weekend. Not sure if John can go. The boat should have the day off, or a short day, but John is going to JO2 school this week so I'm not sure how his schedule will fit. We shall see. I think I'll go anyway. Thus is Navy life! I gotta be the independent woman. I'll socialize and such, and eat free food. It'll also give me a nice little thing to do on Friday as well.

I'm excited about all this baking. I'll be doing the sub cupcakes for the Auction because I know they'll sell well. Our Captain LOVED them. He had the greatest reaction. They're made with Twinkies but I bought Swiss Rolls to try as well since those are already the right color. We shall see.

As for what I'm baking this Friday, well I have yet to decide! That's my next mission.

The house is pretty clean and the laundry is running so I think I'll do that now.


P.S. I'll be home in Dallas, PA May 16th-June 13th. Hopefully I'll see many of you!

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