Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Ellie and Xander visit!

Well I've been home for two nights now, going onto my third. It's VERY cold here. I'm not a fan of the 50 degree rainy weather, not at all. I've done a little shopping around for various clothes and wedding stuff. Yesterday I had my first official, in person, wedding meeting and that was with the DJ. It went pretty well. I spaced out on an important name so with that and a few other things, I have some DJ homework to do! haha.

Today was very nice. I've been here a few days and the first friend to see me isn't even from around here! Ellie and Xander drove up from Maryland this morning to visit me. It's about a 4 hour drive without stops but they didn't mind. She's only available for 5(or so) days before the Marines send her to Cali for desert training. Then she'll have more leave but is going to Colorado to get married and then ships out to the big desert in the east.

It was absolutely great to see them. They didn't have the time to spend the night so they made it a day trip. We went to the mall and got her some special shoes for engagement/wedding photos and I found a dress for my bridal shower. Both very cute and actually very easy to find. It was exciting that we didn't have to stress out a lot about them. Before all this we ate at Peking Chef, which was delightful as always. I love their dumplings. Well we shopped and wandered and chatted for a bit before driving back to my house so they can leave. It was quite the perfect visit, though it would have been nice if they could have stayed. It's a very long drive to do both journeys in one day.

Tomorrow is Momma's birthday. My main plan is to meet with Men's Warehouse about tuxes and then come home to bake and decorate a cake. Hopefully it turns out well! I'm not very skilled at icing a cake.

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