Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Recent E-mail (Updates!)

Hello all!

I realize it's been a while, and I'm sorry. Things have been crazy as always. I've been frantically job searching and reception/ceremony searching for about a month but it's all paid off, I suppose. Victoria's Secret finally called me and "offered" me a transfer position. It's not any sort of dream job anymore, but at least it's income. Hopefully I'll get a better off later on so I can move on with my life, but this is the only thing I've been able to snag. It won't be too bad. I'm in one of my favorite sections and don't have to worry too much about training in product knowledge. So hooray. I go in for "On Boarding" on Saturday which is 4 hrs of training. It's something I've done already but I know this store stocks things very differently than mine did so it'll help and I'll meet some of the other new girls. Hooray income! I can't wait to get a paycheck. It's just in time for Christmas! I was just beginning to get worried about that.

I've been doing well socially. Since John's at work and knows all the work guys, I've had trouble being alone and having no one around. Things have changed though. I instantly became friends with a girlfriend of one of the guy's on his boat, Maddy. She's from Guam and only two years older than me. I don't think her "hunny" and John are close, but I like her so we hang out when she's off work sometimes. She is a native from Guam but she's only about a fourth Chimoran, a fourth Filipino, and half white (her dad is from Indiana). OH! I forgot the most surprising bit of information. Her hunny, Mike (Michaelangelo) Vaccaro, is actually from Dallas, PA. We went to the same school and everything! Only he's 27 so we never knew each other or any of the same people but we actually knew the same teachers and such. He was the guy who greeted John at the airport. It's such a small world!

I've also become friends with Shawn, the wife of a friend of John's from Groton. She has a ten year old daughter, Caitlyn, who is pretty exciteable haha. And just recently I met two girls at the pool here that I've started to hang out with. One is Fawn who is enlisted Navy and currently working the boats at the Pearl Harbor memorial and the other Cayley, whom I like a lot so far, is actually the girlfriend of one of the enlisted boys from Cheyenne! We all went to Ross yesterday so I can look for swimsuits. I've been looking a lot for some more but all the ones that I like are $40 per piece which is a bit much. Well at Ross I found two I loved for $20-$30 TOTAL. It was great. Though they only let me buy the one since the other was two piece that have lost their mates which I put together. Apparently they can't sell those until a week later after searching for their other pieces. I have to call in a week to see if they're marked down and then I can have it. At least that means no one else will be buying it. The Ross here is fantastic, I found a lot of great deals. If anyone wants the large Hawaiian Sarong, you can get them here for $4-$6... so I'd suggest checking that out.

Let's see. Things were busy this past weekend so we didn't do site-seeing. However two weekends ago we went to Hanauma Bay, which was wonderful! John got in for free but I didn't have "proof" of being a resident so I didn't. I'm intending to get my HI driver's license because then when I come across situations like that, I get the discount! Hooray! It was a wonderful trip and really made me wish I was able to splurge on a waterproof camera. I don't have any pictures of the bay because I was worried of ruining my small camera or having it stolen. I'm thinking I'm going to risk it next time I go though. So far that corner of the Island is the most beautiful. I think it's the cliffs that get me, a nice tropical reminder of Ireland! Not very far after the turn to Hanauma bay is the firing range, which we went to this past weekend. John's finally content. The rest of the weekend was devoted to Navy Dinners (another Hail/Farewell and Sun I had a "Wives dinner"), gun cleaning, errands, and taking Dixie to the vet. The poor little girl has Ringworm. Stupid animal shelter. So I have to give her liquid medication every night. It's not too bad. She takes it like a man and then I give her a treat. She'll be happy after the 6 weeks are done. She's not too bothered by the rash though, thankfully.

John is doing right. I realize I haven't said much about him. He's gone all day doing Navy things, comes back, works out, eats, watches TV, and goes to bed. So, I don't have a lot to say on his part, haha. He's doing well though. He's still determined to see a sea turtle. I've heard many rumors that it's nearly guaranteed to see them on North Shore, so that's probably out next spot. He's 95% likely to not be here this weekend or next week so it'll have to be sometime after that.

Speaking of John, there's wedding information I'm sure you're all wondering about! I knew I planned to say somethin about it, but I got caught up with less interesting information. We finally set the date for October 8, 2010. It's the Friday that starts Columbus day weekend. Fun fun!

I suppose this is long enough. Things are going well. The wedding is finally booked and getting organized, I have a job and friends, and the weather is still BEAUTIFUL so I can't complain too much. Dixie is doing well. She's growing quickly and has already gained a pound, which she's supposed to do. She doesn't cuddle as much but she's still insistant on being nearby so I'm not too worried about her lack of cuddling once she's not a wiggling curious kitten anymore.

Well I love and miss you all.

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