Thursday, October 13, 2011

What I've learned so far

Now this doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the challenge. I've been going to the gym for months now and learned a few things along the way as well.

1.) John has often asked why girls wear tight gym clothes and guys wear loose. He understands the guys reasoning because loose breathes and whatnot. WELL. I highly prefer tight, practically skin tight, pants. Shirts, loose is nice because it does breathe. Why? I have large thighs that rub together, this is how it's always been even when I was in my designated weight zone and very very active. Tight pants do not ride up, nor do they lead to chaffing (I like skirts but the thigh on thigh action can get painful). So yes. There is a perfectly logical reasoning behind tight pants. As for tight shirts, well I'm a mixture. Loose shirts are nice and breezy but they'll stick to you unless you get good ones. Tight shirts are already pressed against you so you don't really notice. I wear both, but nothing too tight because I still like things loose over my belly.

2.) Thongs, or nilche (if people do that?). I've always thought it was weird for people to wear thongs to the gym. Is it to be sexy? I mean it's THE GYM. I'm perfectly fine with panty lines at the gym. I'm not there to catch men or look sexy, I'm there to GET sexy! Haha but anyway. I won't go into details about this but from when I'm deducting and trying out, there is a very reasonable explanation to thongs. So far I prefer them. And honestly, I get worse wedgies at the gym with the non thongs so that's another plus.

3.) Once you get on track with something, it's easier to maintain. I haven't had soda in ten days. I wanted it BADLY the first few and now I'm ok. Same with cookies. I will always want cookies but nuts are surprisingly fabulous. Especially Cocoa Roast nuts. Emerald Nuts is genius.

Uhhh. Can't think of what else I've learned. It's mainly been gym clothes reasoning. John wondered things and I wondered things and now I do both of the things we wondered about.

On that note, I need to buy more undergarments. I'm thinking of checking out the Underarmor sports bras at Sport Authority. I seriously need more. Most are from Walmart and not very good. I have ONE good one and it's from Victoria's Secret but they're still screwing me out of coupons so I'm getting annoyed and boycotty (I'm so my mother, only it's not Sears or Best Buy). And yes, since this is my personal blog I can make up whatever word I want to.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, what is the word "nilche" then?

    I am enjoying this blog as I feel a little like I'm experiencing things with you. I'm trying a new Sierra Mist diet lemon-lime with cranberry today & it's quite good. It's true that if you stay away from sweets it's easier to keep away, for me one cookie will lead to 10 cookies.
